Beloved friends, the year that has just transpired on Terra Firma has been one so filled with technological advances, rife with conversation in the poplar culture about artificial intelligence, machine learning, quantum physics, networked technology and virtual and augmented realities that we would be hard pressed to ignore the impending singularity – or at the very least a version of reality that will be unrecognizable to those who remember the time before.
There are two videos that best capture the spirit of RPD this year – one of them is an amateur video capture of two chatbots procedurally extending beyond the limits of their hardware and the other as a tech demo for a new algorithmic approach to artificially intelligent computer generated cinematography running as a realtime capture of a proof of concept on the freely available Unity IDE platform.
Here is the first – Ariana Grande vs Mariah Carey:
The latter – title Adam and made by my new friend Adam Myhill is shockingly aligned with the RPD mythos and thus is my featured clip of the year.
Please, plant a tree.
Inveni Libertatem Tuam
kms|los angeles|terra firma|2017.08.04